Claire Brogan

CBS Roscommon
CBS Roscommon was founded in 1937 and has a long tradition of delivering educational excellence in Roscommon and its surrounding areas. As a Catholic boys Voluntary Secondary School under the Edmund Rice trust, the ethos is to promote the happiness, dignity and self-worth of each student and inspiring them to become transformational leaders within the community.
On the 12th of April - 14th of May I completed a onsite placement in the CBS Roscommon . I was fortunate enough to have 8 hours of teaching with the groups of 5th year visual studies , 5th year practical , 1st year and 4th year . As part of my placement I was also given the opportunity of teaching level 1 and level 2 in the ASD center in the school. I engaged with observations and successfully passed my inspections .
Teaching practise
"It's Fantastic to see such enthusiasm in a young teacher" (Supervisor)
Post Primary Placement
Over the course of the last two years, I took part in two post primary placements in the CBS and the Convent of Mercy in Roscommon .This space below captures a snippet of the schemes delivered and completed that meet the required standards for the Ba/Pme program in Art Education.
Unit of Learning - 2 Visual studies
Theme : My Environment
Aim: To Design, cut and print a lino, experimenting with mark making and line to create the illusion of texture, developing an understanding of positive and negative space through the exploring of the theme "My Environment"
Learning Intentions :
Explore the theme of "My Environment"
Investigate visual texture through the process of *rubbings
Experiment with different types of mark making
Differentiate single print lino through the use of adding contrast to photography
Develop designs through the drawing technique of contour
Understand the health and safety of the lino tool
Engage with the printing process and registration tool
Learning Outcomes :
1.2 Looking
Capture their interpretation of the world in a physical/digital way
1.3 Experimenting
Experiment with ideas , media and techniques
1.4.1 Contextual Enquiries
Engage with a recognised artist or work of art
2.1.1 Interpret primary sources including the natural and built environment and the human figure as a source of inspiration ,
2.3.1 Process
Create a selection of drawings , studies and
realised work.
3.1.1 Analyse
Recognise the artistic thinking and elements in their own
work and that of others

Learners Outcome
Unit of Learning - 2 Visual studies
5th yr VS- Early Christian Ireland
Aim: Through experiential learning, students will undertake a range of tasks based on the language and structure of leaving certificate exam questions to explore the different centuries in Early Christian Ireland and the art that has emerged , investigating Ireland's ancient heritage and a great period in Irish art.
Learning Intentions :
Know how Christianity came to Ireland
Understand a brief descriptions of what manuscripts are
Comprehend the layout and construction of Skellig Micheal
Apprehend the function and the construction of round towers
Differentiate the layout, decoration and use of colour associated with the manuscript "The Cathach "
Identify the decoration, colour and ornamentation used in the Book of Durrow
Describe and Illustrate the Carpet and Initial pages in the book of Durrow
Learning Outcomes:
1.4 Contextual Enquiries
Explain how context and period influence artistic thinking
1.4 Engage with a recognised artist or piece of work
1.1 Looking
Use Critical and visual language to describe an artwork.
1.2 Recording
Collate information from a variety of sources of media .
Art Elements and Design Principles
Show they can use their annotated drawings to observe ,record and analyse the relevant information required in the leaving certificate art history exam.

The book of Durrow
Convent of Mercy Roscommon
The Convent of Mercy is a Ceist school that was established in 2009 with approximately 509 students.The school wishes to provide a caring environment for all students and staff , in which every student is helped towards her fullest spiritual , educational , social culture and physical development .
From the 1st of November - the 19th of December I was fortunate enough to undertake my placement in the Convent of Mercy . I had the privilege of teaching the groups of (3) groups of 1st years , 2nd years , 4th years , 5th years practical and 5th year visual studies . I conducted observations and inspections throughout this placement .

Unit of Learning 3 - Paint
5th yr Imaginary Composition
Aim :To develop an understanding of colour , scale and balance through painting processes to paint a imaginary composition based on the theme of “My space”
Learning Intentions
Appreciate the history and materiality of paint
Explore the theme through individual learning of images and text
Comprehend the compositional tools of the rule of thirds , leading lines , zooming in on a section and adding frames in photography
Record scales, pattern , balance through the use of photomontage
Investigate how to add tints and shades to colours
Explore colour mixing (primary, secondary and tertiary) through blocking in shades
Differentiate between pattern (man-made) and line ( horizontal and vertical ect)
Learning Outcomes
1.1 Looking
Experience the natural and built environment as a source of information
1.2 Recording and documenting
Capture their interpretation of the world in a physical/ digital way
2.2 Contextual enquiries
Apply the art elements and design principles in creating and evaluating their work
2.3 Process
Create a selection of drawings , studies and realised work
2.4 Realisation/ Presenting
Communicate the meaning and context of chosen work
3.4 Critical and personal reflection :
Discuss the development of ideas and work from conception to realisation
3.2 Contextual enquiries
Locate their own work in relation to other artwork within a particular context/ stylistically , socially , politically , ethically ect

Teacher Outcome
Unit of Learning 4- Drypoint
Theme : Inside the Garden
Aim: To develop an understanding of line , shape and form through printing processes to create a ,Monoprint and Drypoint based on the theme of “Inside the Garden ”
Learning Intentions:
Know the history / techniques of printmaking and the materiality of ink
Record shape (geometric and organic ) through the use of line
Differentiate between actual and visual texture
Comprehend the steps of how to design a drypoint print
Illustrate form through the use of light , medium and dark tone
Explore form through the use of a scribe
Utilise a variety of crosshatching marks to capture form
Learning Outcomes :
2.3 reflect on their own, or another’s, craftwork through the use of critical and visual language.
2.4 show they can use their drawings to observe, record and analyse
2.5 develop their ideas for craftwork through drawing
2.6 investigate their own personal approach to craftwork through the technical and creative application of drawing and mark-making
2.7 identify the historical or contemporary skills and materials used in craft works from a number of different crafts
2.12 justify the choice of art elements and design principles in their own or others’ craftwork.
2.14 use media to create craftwork
3.6 design a final work based on their drawings