Claire Brogan

Primary School Placement
As part of the BA program students engage with the first placement of the Primary School Placement . This placement is a starting point into the journey of teaching as it offers students an opportunity to build professional skill + ability and classroom management through effective processes and techniques .
Loreto Junior School, Crumlin
Loreto Junior School is a mixed catholic primary school and currently attending the classes are two hundred and ten pupils in twelve classes, there are more girls in this establishment. There are seven small classes and four normal size. The ethos of Loreto Junior school is that to ensure that the school community is a place where the potential of each individual is recognised and respected, where excellence is pursued and where staff , parents and students co-operate for the common good.
As part of our first placement from the 23rd of Nov - 14th of Dec 2018 myself and my paired peer undertook a placement in the Loreto Junior School. This placement was quite short consisting of one day a week but our aim was to begin our journey into the teaching world through teaching simple processes and techniques