Claire Brogan
Remote Learning
Digital learning is now successfully being incorporated as a digital teaching tool into all learning environments. It is transforming teaching and learning, enhancing the educational experience for all students. Students and teachers can work collaboratively through accessing material and automatically saving all material.
CBS Roscommon
As part of my third year placement I began teaching remotely in the CBS Roscommon .The CBS provides all students with the free Office 365 accounts with a range of apps and services including Word, Powerpoint , One-drive and teams . I was fortunate enough to receive the oppournity to remotely teach 1st years , 4th years and 5th year visual studies. Remote teaching strengthens the educational adventure .
Unit of Learning - Film studies
Aim: Through experiential learning, students will undertake a range of tasks based on the language and structure of Leaving Certificate exam questions to explore the visual concepts of film, Enhancing their understanding and enjoyment of cinema through the analysis of film genre and the investigation of film techniques.
Learning Intentions :
Know the history of film
Understand the 5 stages of film
Comprehend traditional animation and CGI animation
Differentiate the three components of colour: hue, saturation and value
List films directed by the directors Henry Selick and Tim Burton
Appreciate the 6 basic shots of film making
Apprehend the technique of special effects in Coraline
Answer the Music and Sound worksheet based on the opening scene of Coraline.
Learning Outcomes :
1.1 Looking :Recognise an art style and identify relevant features
1.4 Contextual enquiries
Identify links with artists of the past and present that have explored similar topics or themes.
3.5 Process
Respond to a selection of drawings, studies and realised work.
3.3 Impact and Value
Experience art through sensory and/or emotional responses
2.1 Making
Apply appropriate skills, knowledge and techniques