Claire Brogan

A sample of written assignments from my undergraduate at the National college of Art and Design
""Being a teacher is not what I do, it's who I am !
Undergraduate Research study
The Impact of Teacher Characteristics on Teachers Self-Efficacy in supporting and responding to students with Mental Health issues in the
This research study focuses and explores the impact and newly constructed role of teachers when having to face and deal with Mental Health issues in the classroom. No doubt today the term of "Mental Health" is a phrase that is thrown all around society and "Wellbeing" is embedded as part of the new reformed Junior cycle however, this new transition has evolved teachers into not only being an educator but as a "Therapist". This study focuses on the stress that teachers are feeling, the empathy and the attitude that is being directed towards receiving training towards Mental Health. A concluding note on my research paper is " A teacher takes a hand , opens a mind, and touches a heart."
Critical Cultures
European influences on Irish Art
For the purpose of this assignment the continental painter Jean - Leon Gerome and influenced Irish painter Aloysius O' Kelly was researched and explored."Prayer on the Housetops" and the painting of "Mass in a Connemara cabin" are two paintings that explore a religious symbol of Islam and Christianity . This assignment identifies the similarities and contrasts among both paintings through the use of colour , symbolism and subject matter . It is fascinating to recognise and to link both paintings from two very different parts of the world.